The main focus of our approach is to correct and release your patterns of movement (kinetic chain flow) to develop improved Mobility, Stability and Strength.
Our work is informed by Paris's 30 year track record as a Physio and Strength and Conditioning Coach in elite sports, Ministry of Defence and the NHS. His earlier career as a contemporary dancer and movement coach saw him working in the UK and overseas and this underpins his kinaesthetic approach to injury management, training and conditioning.
We are keen to extend this specialist knowledge to members of the public seeking a high level of rehabilitation or treatment for injury or health/fitness development.
Our sessions include a wide range of movement and strength development approaches tailored to your individual needs and goals.
We work with you to optimise your physical performance, recover from injury or surgery much quicker and build in a robustness which will ensure a greater level of physical capability, even into older age.
All sessions include teaching of self-myofascial release techniques and corrective exercises for 'homework' programmes to ensure continued development. We work in 6-week blocks to allow time for progress and meaningful review of your goals.
Kettlebells & weights
Callisthenics & groundwork
Myofacial release & stretches
age specific
Changes in our bodies as we age mean that the right program for a 40+ client is very different from a program for a 20 year old. Sadly, most of the media coverage you see regarding ‘diets’ and exercise programs are targeted towards this younger group and unlikely to suit a more mature body.
We supply you with the science references and data so you can read it and also understand the truth behind how to achieve the changes you want. In this way you can cut through the confusion and deceit and make your own informed decisions.
By the end of your 6 week program you will have dropped body fat, acquired more lean muscle and developed a new improved relationship with your food. At that point YOU will be in control of your own destiny and you will have developed sustainable new healthy habits that will continue to unlock new health benefits.
Sessions run in 6-week blocks at £300 saving you £60 on individual booked sessions. Get in touch for more info or to book.
Total Transformation Programme
Our Total Transformation program has been specially designed for the over 40’s who are looking for something that really works. Our first few clients on our 6 week program, literally told us it had completely transformed their lives, so that’s why we called it the Total Transformation program. It was their suggestion, not ours, but we like it! Here’s what the program can achieve;
Body compositional changes - reduce body fat and increase lean muscle
Improved immune response - get over flu faster!
Nutritional & mindset strategies - science based food guidance & hormone balancing for improved mood.
Reduced inflammation - helps arthritis, aches and pains
This Total Transformation programme is movement training, nutritional guidance and motivational support that is specifically designed to respond to your changing needs in later life.
Sessions run in 6-week blocks at £300 saving you £60 on individual booked sessions. Get in touch for more info or to book.

Declan, Total Transformation Programme
"I find it hard to explain exactly how much working with Paris has totally changed my approach to exercise. I feel better than I have done in years!"

Katy, 6-week programme client
"It was, informative, interesting and the functional training was just what I was looking for..It's the most consistent I have been with my training for years."

Mark, rehab Programme
I had already tried physio and had a ton of rehab and thought I would have to live with my pain forever. Paris gave me confidence from the beginning that things could change and he was right. Really enjoyed the sessions and I feel strong again".

Kinetic Screening
Whatever your sport or movement goals, screening spots injury potential before it happens and corrects faults helping you build a better underlying structure upon which to train. And if you do get injured, repair is quicker becasue you have your basics sorted and strong. We will take you through our BodyScan kinetic screen that involves a series of tests developed over years of working with elite athletes.

Unlock your potential
We will then analyse the results and share our report with you. In a follow up appointment we take you through your Fix-it Programme which is a series of mobility, stability and strength work to address your report findings. You can then choose to continue to work at home or in your gym on your Fix-it Programme or book in for our accelerated pathway 6-week block of one-to-one coaching sessions.
Kinetic Screening is our starting point if/once you are pain free - it is an assessment of your foundation patterns of movement. In medical terms these patterns are known as ‘Neurodevelopmental Milestones’. Basically, these are the foundational patterns of movement that you arrive pre-programmed with at birth (extend, roll, squat, step etc) as you go through your early childhood, you develop more complex patterns on top of these basic ones. However, external influences (e.g. sitting, injury, surgery) can distort and undermine these original patterns and drag your body way out of structural balance, causing dysfunction and pain.
Our BodyScan or SwimScan will identify which of your original patterns you're struggling with and provides you with a detailed report including photos and descriptive analysis. Once you have your report we'll book you in for your follow up appointment to take you through your Fix-it Programme.
Most ongoing or repeated injuries are the result of intrinsic imbalances or restrictions to the body's interconnected kinetic chains.
BodyScan/SwimScan is £150 including your initial and follow up appointments. Get in touch for more info or to book.